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Which is the best vertical desktop water dispenser

1. When using a water dispenser in our family, we must first choose the model of water dispenser that suits us. Now there are many water dispensers of various capacities on the market. When choosing a water dispenser, we should choose a water dispenser that suits the number of people in our family. Choosing too much is a waste of money. If you choose small, it will not satisfy your own family.
2. There are two major categories of water dispensers, one is a desktop water dispenser, and the other is a vertical water dispenser. The price of the two water dispensers is very different, and the capacity is also different. The desktop is suitable for less than 100 square meters. It is suitable for families with more than 100 square meters.

3. There are more and more restrictions on the functions of the water dispenser. No matter what kind of water dispenser has many modes, it is inseparable from the basic mode. The basic mode is divided into three types, one is hot water and the other is cold water. , one is lukewarm water, followed by each new function added.
4. The more new functions of the water dispenser, the higher the price. The functions of some water dispensers are actually not used by many families, so it is best not to choose these water dispensers. We choose water dispensers mainly for healthy drinking water, and Not wasting money on some useless features.
5. If the water dispenser needs bottled water, there is also a choice between sizes. Generally, a family of three can use small barrels for drinking, and a family of five needs to use a large barrel water dispenser. At the same time, we must also consider The placement of the home, the coordination with the home, etc.
6. There are various colors and styles of water dispensers. We need to see whether the color of the water dispenser matches the style of your overall home, and whether the main color of the home decoration is consistent with the water dispenser. These are very important, so when we choose Think more.
7. When choosing a water dispenser, we should pay attention to the quality of the product and the level of production technology. These factors will lead to the difference in the quality of the water dispenser and the service life of the water dispenser. Generally speaking, the water dispenser using imported materials is better. It is recommended that you can Choose to buy.

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