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What to pay attention to when buying a water purifier

In daily life, the quality of drinking water used by people is not stable, and many elements will pollute the normal tap water. Therefore, the problem of drinking water safety is always a topic of concern for the masses. Therefore, the water purifier was born at the right time and became the key equipment for clean water quality in everyone's daily life. But what brand of water purifier is good, and how should people choose this suitable household water purifier product? What must be paid attention to when buying a water purifier.

What to pay attention to when buying a water purifier

First of all, if you choose based on the common air pollutants of domestic water, the water purifier you want to choose should be capable of removing rust, fine sand, germs, virus infection, metal cadmium, volatile organic matter, pesticide residues and new air pollution. The working ability of the food should also improve the taste, remove hydrogen and chloramine, and preserve the mineral calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

  Secondly, when buying a water purifier, there is a very critical point that must be considered, that is, the filter element. The filter element is the key to all water purifiers. The quality of the cleaned water depends on the quality of the filter element. It also determines the usual cost of future applications. The water purifier must be removed and replaced on time during the entire process of application, otherwise it will not only fail to achieve the actual cleaning effect, but will also cause pollution. The filter element of all normal water purifiers is recommended to be replaced with a cycle time of 6 to 8 months. If it is not changed for a long time, it will undoubtedly have an adverse effect on physical and mental health. Therefore, before purchasing a water purifier, it is necessary to figure out how to remove the filter element, how to remove it, and whether it is convenient to remove it or not.

Another, when choosing a water purifier, you must also consider whether its after-sales maintenance service is sound or not. If all the problems are encountered but the proper handling is lost, then it is obvious that buying this water purifier is indeed not a smart choice.

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